At this moment he Iraqis are busy with preparing the ground in Al-Mahara in the marshlands. Two pilothouses will be built also one house in Diwaniya. The opening of this project is on the 9 of November. So they have quiet a tide schedule.  After that the so-called Veerman group (8)is going home and the Verhoijsen group (4) stays to research on a more profound level the live in the marshlands. Dorinde de Tempe is also going home and she will write over her experiences, observations in this project in of the first 10 days. This place on the picture is really in the city of Al-mahara. We will stay in this city and make trips to the marshlands. An over night stay whish I would like is probably not so safe. Till now it is not sure of Ahmed Faraj leader of the whole group will stay with us.preparingground