Without Names – W139 – site specific work 2012 – 2013

With this work I want to show the vulnerability and the strength of the human being at the same time.

In my mind I had the idea of a group of people on there get – away. But still with a goal which is sometimes bigger then there imagination.



Monica Aerden, Mia Fieldelij Dop, Cecile Wentges, Helma Jansse, Ed Jansse, Karin Sellmeijer, David Sellmeijer, Maze de Boer, Ejla de Boer, Trommelaar Nanne de Boer, Fotograaf en camera Machteld Aardse en Alvin Masih

Performance Without Names W139 Amsterdam February from anne verhoijsen on Vimeo.

Performance Without Names W139 Amsterdam. Oudekerksplein, February 2013 from anne verhoijsen on Vimeo.


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