“Intimate a game, that is what unites you and me. Is it you or is it me who can look into the other’s eyes longest, without bursting out laughing? Who but you and me understands the codes we practice since our early days? The way we pull a collar in place before going out, the way we use to tease each other without any malicious intent, the way we muffle Hebrew at each other, the way in which we braid our hair together.

It’s by this behavior, these habits that we know: you and I, we belong together forever and ever. And on the other hand: look how different we are!

Sisters, that’s what we are!

In “Sisters”, a video clip of over 5 minutes, Dutch artist Anne Verhoijsen shows us in a subtle and at times poetic way, how two sisters, both originating from Israel, relate to each other. One moved to Holland, one stayed in Israel. One despises politics like perpetrated by Israel’s president Sharon, the other serves in the army. Differences, certainly, but no way do they influence the love between the two girls in a negative way. 
It is an emotionally charged subject that Verhoijsen raises in
 Sisters an item about political intolerance, hatred and bitterness, and how to go about it. This heavy theme is merely touched in Sisters no more than that. It circles about like a butterfly, and touches the two sisters with gossamer wings before retreating again. Watch the floating black and red locks of hair in Sisters, and you cannot help but hope that somewhere in those locks lies the ultimate answer to all questions.”
- Amsterdam June 2002

Lucette ter Borg ( art critiques)


Sisters from anne verhoijsen on Vimeo.

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