Baghdad in 24 minutes
Here there are some video’s that are not in 24 minutes sequence. I think within a month the 24 one minutes you can see on
Copyright 2016 Anne Verhoijsen. All Rights Reserved
Here there are some video’s that are not in 24 minutes sequence. I think within a month the 24 one minutes you can see on
Sattar write:
These will be the first to go online. The film paints a picture of the situation in Iraq of this moment (Baghdad). Media all over the world paint a picture of Iraq as a country which is always in war. That way people only get to see the negative sides of Baghdad. Through this film I would like to give a truer image of Baghdad of the moment. So it’s not only about the war… Baghdad is an dynamic city where so much takes place; it has a rich, ancient culture that we should not forget about! Despite everything that happens in Iraq, the country is slowly moving in the right direction. Maybe people will gradually start noticing this, as the impact of everything that recently happened in Iraq and the lives of many is huge. The dictators that ruled the country for decades have been extremely destructive en rebuilding the country takes a lot of time and effort. But despite everything the people have been through, they continue their lives… They keep hoping for a better life. I’ve filmed students going to their exams at the university for example, and people going to work, streets filled with cars, crowded markets, people getting married, celebrating. People going to the fair, the zoo, they make music, and so on, and so on. Maybe it’s not as luxurious as it is in Western countries, but these things tend to go step by step. The biggest trouble Iraq has at the moment are the supply of electricity and paving the roads. I’ve found it very special to work with you, Anne Verhoysen, you always stay young and energetic. You’re open to new experiences and adventures… in the same way you’re open to the reality of Iraq. I found it very sweet when you mentioned to me that if I would get into trouble I should hand over my camera’s and material. You emphasized that my safety was the most important thing. I did the best I could despite the difficult circumstances.
Stils out of video’s Baghdad.
Radio Sawa reported that the streets of Baghdad have recently witnessed a widespread jump in number of motorcycles, which have become one of the most practical solutions for the citizens in order to overcome jams and high fuel prices.
To day Sattar called from Baghdad. I was happy to hear his voice because in the mourning I tried already to reach him. To morrow he will travel to Istanbul.
? Should it be in the hand luggage or in the normal luggage? For me I always travel with my whole work in my hand luggage but in this case it is perhaps to dangerous. Sattar has had a lot of trouble during his shooting and he is afraid that at the last moment they will pick his material when he will passes the border. So we agree to put them in this circumstances in his normal luggage. Praise everything for the travel to morrow!
He also told that last night he went with his brother through whole the material. They labelled the tapes where it was and this kind of things. He filmed 16 hours. Image 16 hours of normal shooting from Baghdad not from a war reporter but from a Iraqi himself coming back after 17 years in his city and full of love for his country. Many thanks to his brother he was a great help. Also because he is knowing as a famous actor doors went open unexpectedly and he could arrange great places o film. Friday I go to see him and pick up the material.
? Should it be in the hand luggage or in the normal luggage? For me I always travel with my whole work in my hand luggage but in this case it is perhaps to dangerous. Sattar has had a lot of trouble during his shooting and he is afraid that at the last moment they will pick his material when he will passes the border. So we agree to put them in this circumstances in his normal luggage. Praise everything for the travel to morrow!
He also told that last night he went with his brother through whole the material. They labelled the tapes where it was and this kind of things. He filmed 16 hours. Image 16 hours of normal shooting from Baghdad not from a war reporter but from a Iraqi himself coming back after 17 years in his city and full of love for his country. Many thanks to his brother he was a great help. Also because he is knowing as a famous actor doors went open unexpectedly and he could arrange great places o film. Friday I go to see him and pick up the material.
On the 8 of June I filmed Akathemia city (a holy place Mosque) Akathemia market, Alzawraa (zoo) and the fair. The Tigris and a fish restaurant near the Tigris.I filmed a funeral also in neighbourhood of the mosque. On the seven of June I went to the academia of fine arts and the film school. Students where just working on their exams at the fine art department. Afterwards I went to the audio department. The next day in the hospital unfortunately I was not allowed to film. They did not wanted it any more so I put the camera in my bag and went away. The day after I filmed a hairdresser, a wedding party and the Shala Market and The Om Kolthoum Café. I also was on the famous Alzareed Street. There was a flourishing book market before the war. At five o’clock in the morning I filmed the people sleeping on the roof. At six I saw a pigeon fancier. So till now I made 9 movies.
I am very happy and I am very eager to go and work with the material. Next Saturday he will be home again. I am very grateful to the work he is doing. He himself has very mixed feelings about being there and last Friday The moderate leader of the largest Sunni bloc in parliament has been killed. He was mentioned in the paper here as a bridge builder between the several parties. And i am afraid this will not stop in the coming month…I wonder who has invented WAR. I know the question sound stupid but still I think it is valid.
more information…/ 04/25/1145861348159.htm
Iraqi soldiers walk in front of the Martyr’s monument in Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday, Feb. 28, 2009. The Iraqi military recently took control of the monument from the U.S. military. (AP Photo/Karim Kadim)
This morning I called Sattar to see how he was. I get no connection. He wrote already about the bad electricity conditions at this moment for the ‘normal” Iraqi who don’t live in the green zone. And sometimes just the connection is very bad. So I went to my Saturday morning sport but I felt uneasy with it. For the same the police caught him because of his filming. Coming home a couple of hour s later I called him again. “Oh Anne I am just home for 15 minutes he said”. He was on the police station. Because his brother who is a poet and writer was with him and the policeman recognized him as a friend of his brother they were lucky. Sattar was at that moment filming the monument for the Martyr and he wanted to get close by but that was the thing. You are not allowed to do so. It is very hard to film just on the street so they have to film out of the car and the car was to close to the monument…. We spoke about it and he will go to the minister of culture to ask for a permit. Sattar now is relieved and decided to stay home today. To morrow morning he has an appointment at half past five in the morning with a doctor to go to the hospital to film. Sattar your doing a great job!
Within a month the Minister of the Marches will come to Holland I will meet him and also Mr. Marsoomy who is head of the de Iraqi Society For Marshes Restoration and Development. And I think in the fall, I will make a beautiful trip to the old land of Mesopotamia and also go to Bagdad to make some one minutes. In the meanwhile Sattar is in Bagdad I will write how he is and what he is doing. I think he is happy in a way that I am not coming because my safety counted very heavy for him. These pictures Mr Marsoomy sent me out of The Marshlands.
Why Bagdhad
Two months go I took the decision to exchange Havana for Baghdad. At this moment they’re about 40 cities, which are part of this one minute city project. I thought by my self which city is in important in that range of cities that will be show on the world expo in Shanghai in 2010. And immediately Baghdad came to my mind. Immediately I felt a lot of energy by thinking of going there. I asked Sattar Al-Saadi a good friend of mine to do this project together with me. He is born in Baghdad and lives and works as a musician already 15 years in Holland. He is very motivated to show the world different pictures as the images, daily passes us by.
His brother is a well knowing performer in Baghdad so perhaps he likes to join in also. It is very important in this movie that different people show what they like or dislike on the city. So we got a kind of overall image. Impossible of course but it is worth for trying. Great deals of my preparations are on security. I read books of journalist who have been there. I think! I know to behave there…. To day I was surprised to see Sattar with a starting beard but of course this is for security. Although he is an Iraqi they will see on him that he is not living there so…at least you try to look as one of them. In my suitcase I have an abiya that is a long black dress with long sleeves, a hijab, that is a kind of veil, big black sunglasses black panty socks and black shoes. Filming with all of this will be a big adventure. I just found this web site with instructions how to wear the hijab.
Baghdad foundednd in 762 under the name Madinat as Salem means city of peace
Beginning of June I start again with writing when I leave for Baghdad