Two perspectives one journey
Een boek met foto’s van Paul Glazier en Anne Verhoijsen.
Het boek wordt uitgegeven in eigen beheer op 3 januari 2025
Prijs: € 35,=. Click here to order.
Meer info: /portfolio/two-perspectives-one-journey/
Copyright 2016 Anne Verhoijsen. All Rights Reserved
Een boek met foto’s van Paul Glazier en Anne Verhoijsen.
Het boek wordt uitgegeven in eigen beheer op 3 januari 2025
Prijs: € 35,=. Click here to order.
Meer info: /portfolio/two-perspectives-one-journey/
September 2024
The Green Room project space of Galerie Madé van Krimpen.
SIGNED ANNE is an exhibition with three faces. Drawings, book and ceramics.
The drawings draw you into Anne’s world, a world with magicians, yoga, no yoga, cheerfulness, chance encounters, friends and with imaginative patterns. With texts by Nina Folkersma, Kees Keijer and Jos Houweling.
The book GETEKEND ANNE VERHOIJSEN, with more drawings than at the exhibition, more Anne, packed in a white box. On each box a small drawing, different each time. Limited edition boxes. 102 pages, larger than A4, 35 euros, edition book 250. Published by: weiw publishers Stralsund/Amsterdam
The book: GETEKEND ANNE VERHOIJSEN is on sale for 35 euros ( excluding shipping). Click here to order.
Ceramics. Pots of clay, pots with a loving lack on which drawings with spatiality, it lives.
Festive opening by Maze de Boer
Sept. 20, 2024 at 5 p.m.
Exhibition lasts until 2-11
Prinsengracht 645, Amsterdam
Entrance Frozen Fountain
Madé van Krimpen
With thanks to the
Elisabeth Vermaat Müller Fund
Click here for article by Jos Houweling, Kees Keijer and Nina Folkersma
All drawings:
Material: colour pencil, watercolour, charcoal, inkt, acrylic.
Size: 60 x 42 cm.
Opening en boekpresentatie ‘Getekend Anne’ in The Green Room op 20 september 2024.
Foto’s door Valentina Vos.
“Droomland” kunstroute 27-7 tot 25-8-2024
Mijn Vliegtuig
Website Open Stal
Uitgelicht op 31-5 pm 17.00 in Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam.
Dit keer Anne Verhoijsen en Jos Houweling.
Ieder over een werk dat hun leven heeft veranderd en over samenwerken wat hun leven nog meer verandert. Losse geheimen smakelijk gepresenteerd door Renée Hartog.
Een concept van Anne Verhoijsen en Jos Houweling.
Meer info op
Opening 17 mei 2024 om 19.00u in Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
A&J – Anne Verhoijsen en Jos Houweling)
Presentatie: WELKOM
Op de schouw in Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Een A&J productie
Digitale print 2.00 bij 1.00
Interview door Hans Kuiper met Anne Verhoijsen en Jos Houweling over samen werken.
Voor Arts Magazine Articula van de vereniging Arti et Amicitiae.
Lees hier het interview
De kunstenaar uitgelicht. Een gesprek over ons werk (Anne Verhoijsen en Jos Houweling) in Arti et Amicitiae.
17.00 – 18.00 uur.
Artist Book A&J 13 – Presentatie en tentoonstelling van 2 t/m 9 mei 2024 in Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Artist Book A&J 13 – Presentation and exhibition from May 2 to 9, 2024 at Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Artist’s book A&J
Drawings by Anne Verhoijsen, photos and collages by Jos Houweling.
Merged into 130 surprising images.
Price 40 euros. Can be ordered through e-mail.
Artist Book A&J 13 – Presentatie en tentoonstelling van 2 t/m 9 mei 2024 in Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Artist Book A&J 13 – Presentation and exhibition from May 2 to 9, 2024 at Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Artist’s book A&J
Drawings by Anne Verhoijsen, photos and collages by Jos Houweling.
Merged into 130 surprising images.
Prijs € 40,=. Tijdens de presentatie op 02-05-2024 te samen met een ingelijste afbeelding uit het boek. Daarna bestellen via e-mail. € 50,= inclusief verzendkosten. Exemplaar wordt voorzien van handtekening van Jos Houweling en Anne Verhoijsen.
Vier mannen en een tafelkleed.
Four men and a table cloth.
(Ongoing project)
Tentoonstelling D(R)AAD
Over borduren als protest en beweging
Exhibition D(R)AAD
Embroidery as protest and movement
Verwey Museum, Haarlem
26-1 – 28-4-2024
Lees meer op de website van Verwey Museum….
Amsterdam – 1999-2001
Four men dressed in dark suit and tie, sitting in a circle, are concentrating on their needle work. The white table cloth they are adorning is draped over their knees in such a way that the men seem to sit around a table. Filling in the preprinted design, they slowly work their way towards the centre of the cloth. The work was performed in several places including the window of department store De Bijenkorf in Amsterdam.
A significant aspect of the performance is the mutual influence between the work and its context is: the setting is essential for the perception of the performance and the performance in its turn affects the surroundings in which it takes place. The response of the audience is intertwined with the performance to form a whole.
In a separate video the demented 85-year-old Mrs. Rijpsma vividly recalls how she used to give embroidery lessons for two cents an afternoon. This work turns a fading technique and a fading memory into a powerful testimony of history’s accessibility and topicality.
Albert Wulfers, one of the participants embroiding his name
Embroidery lessons given by Anne in her atelier – Harry Heyink a.o.
Part of the performence: 24 men and 1 woman embroiding table cloths at the Winston Hotel
In November 2001 Anne gathered all the participants at the Arena stadion to make a group portrait with their names embroided on their ‘broddellap’ – a Dutch term for a piece of fabric to practice your skills on.
Het Parool 2024
Almost ready to take off
14-06 tot 8-7-2024
Lecture My plane on 7-7